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Photo journalism

One picture tells more than a thousand words.
A good picture tells so much about the story that you don't have even read the title yet.

Nowadays people have a short duration of concentration and the content is being scrolled fast,

A high-quality image will arouse the viewer's interest for the news. For this reason, it is important to carry photoshoot out with the quality of what it deserves. Newspaper/magazine pictures are delivered to customers quickly on the same day,

As an experienced photojournalist, I get to capture what is essential to the story and act with haste.

I shoot interviews, sports, cultural events, briefings, and reportages.

Prices are negotiable.

SUPER retkihetki print-22
SUPER kerstin brors print-13
1004674119 Risti 23
1004509683 ilmasto vaasan torilla.1
1004594590 VERKKO 1K Ossi Lehto Taiteili
1004654827 Raippaluoto-reppis 13
Luustoliitto Kajaanin kuvaus-11
JM alavus web-4
1004674569 Koiratarha kulkuri 0
Lentäminen PRINTTI koko-8
1004573380 Salkari muuttaa 6
Talon poltto-266
Talon poltto-370 nettikoko
Antti Jekunen nettikoko-13
Juolan tila Printti-28
NETTI Vaasan saaristo-17
Kaasufarmi Jalasjärvi printti-15
Jääkiekko 1 (21)
1004656371 Royals finaaleissa 35
1004656371 Royals finaaleissa 32
1004508912 Miesten jalkapallo-2
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